It is easy setting up shop in Indonesia, translation service that is. Previous encounters with peers in the field helps in composing all this information together. Hence, this account is of a personal account that I hope will help newcomers or would be translators to have a better view, a bird’s eye view, in setting up an individual professional service to the world.
Of course, the first thing that tops of all the important aspects of this business is the tool. And, what better way than to just explore all possible means to inform readers than elaborating and scrutinizing what equipment or tools in mind that is or are needed.
The simple gear that you may want to prepare, especially with the help of an online forum such as و اخرين, هو "الأجهزة" بالإضافة إلى "البرامج" ('H' و 'S' في العواصم). الأجهزة هنا يتعلق الأجهزة والبرمجيات ('ح' و 's' في حالة أقل) في اتصال إلى أجهزة الكمبيوتر. البرمجيات (العاصمة 'S') هنا يدل على قدرة أو مهارة في السيطرة على واحدة أو أكثر من اللغات الأجنبية (الاكثر هو الافضل) في لغتك الأم مع مرونة كبيرة والمهارة.
شراء جهاز كمبيوتر من السهل هنا في جاكرتا اندونيسيا, سواء كنت تفكر في شراء غير التجارية إلى العلامة التجارية الراقية, كل شيء هنا. And, السؤال الحاسم والحيوي المقبل للتفكير في غير أو وضع أفضل ما ينبغي أن يكون في عقل واحد لأدوات, i.e. السؤال: هل لديك المال على استعداد الضروري أن تستنفد كل هذا?
لبدء, جهاز كمبيوتر شخصي المتواضع (الكمبيوتر) قد تكلف حوالي دولار 500 أو أرخص اعتمادا مدى كنت تريد أن يكون الذهاب في العثور على آلة قوية الصحيحة للمساعدة في عملك. ما إذا كان جهاز الكمبيوتر لديه مستوى 4 رقاقة أو أقل, داخل الكمبيوتر أو غيرها من العلامات التجارية, هو أنت الذي تقرر عدم الأجهزة / متجر للكمبيوتر تذهب إلى. ما هي أفضل طريقة من لتصفح الإنترنت في 'Warnet " (ترعاها الحكومة مقاهي الإنترنت العامة تقديم أسعار معقولة) أو قراءة المجلات, مجلات, نسأل الاصدقاء الذين يعرفون أجهزة الكمبيوتر. So, تصفح أساسا حول قبل شراء, لا تتردد في طرح وعدم التسرع في شراء, خذ وقتك.
هذا الكمبيوتر بالطبع, يجب أن تكون مجهزة مع طابعة, ماسح ضوئي, والأجهزة الضرورية الأخرى (ذاكرة إضافية, قارئ ROM أقوى (دي في دي مباراة. CD), كاميرا, etc.) أنك قد تشعر بأنك بحاجة. كل هذه (الكمبيوتر, printer and scanner) checks out at a grand total of USD 600 (excluding extra memory, camera, إلخ).
Next, concerning software you can opt for copyrighted materials or you may install your PC with an open source ones. Whichever software suits you, as long as the machine provides a workplace where you as the translator work to process the transferring of one language to another in a comfortable manner, a state in which you are confident, then be my guess, pick the one that you alone are at ease.
The best that you can equip yourself with is of course all the publishing software available, since clients may and will give you materials to translate from all preferences. This can be further informed in your subscribed or free space in your profile on the Web.
Clients proposing to utilize your service will send materials that include a .doc, .txt, .pdf, and other extensions. As a result, at the end of each working day, it is you who will transfer and render also edit all terms in the source language in mind into the targeted language without having to deal with further problems of materials extension sent by clients. Luckily though, nearly all materials sent by clients are usually in Microsoft Word or .doc extension.
Another step that you will have to go through is that you’ve got to have a phone line for an Internet dial-up access. Consider two lines, one for calls in and one for Internet. Another way of course, is to use a pre-paid mobile service from mobile provider, this would cost you around USD 25 a month, think also about the cost of getting the chip for your mobile necessary. Here browsing for available service benefiting you should be highly thought of.
As for usage there is a fixed price for limited access and obviously, unlimited at a more variable cost, the choices here, will be depended on the quota you used. Consideration: if, by any chance you still live with your parent that’s good for expenses, but of course you’ve got to be able to give a clear picture of expenditure to your parents. On the other hand, if you are on your own, this is a different matter.
لكن, I feel that the best choice one may have is to get an ADSL connection or cable, but as expected this would again set you up to around USD 210 for the hardware (modem, a subscription to a cable company) and the monthly fee of about USD 70. Yet again, all the cost may depend on which company is providing service and at what price range or at what period of time in mind this would be (consider promotions, or programs set by cable companies), the key here is to uncover places where this kind of information is easily available. Just for information: for the examples here, the prices are for year 2005.
Overall, the cost needed for initial set-up would and should be around USD 900, but again, initial accurate price list is relative in that if you are able to cut the estimated price quoted in this article, then you are set to go with a more reasonable tool in mind.
(Next time: on ‘S’oftware)
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