Jasa terjemahan resmi tersumpah profesional indonesia inggris arab mandarin jepang | jasa penerjemah interpreter & rental alat interpreter simultan. melayani kota Jogja Semarang Solo Bandung Surabaya Malang Denpasar Bali Jakarta dan seluruh Indonesia
We JOGJATRANSLATE serve the inter-language translation services. Our main services are translation Indonesian-English and UK-Indonesia with good quality. In addition to English language, We also serve the translation to other languages such as
Indonesian translation – Arab
Indonesian translation – Mandarin / China
Indonesian translation – Korea
Indonesian translation – Japan
Indonesian translation – German
We do not use translation software translator as Transtool, reksotrans or other automated translation software. The quality of our translations can be relied.
We have a team of experienced translators, among others:
Translator textbooks in PPPG
Student S2 USD
English lecturer of UIN
Dosen UII
Sarjana-sarjana S1 Sastra Inggris yang telah lulus dan berpengalaman lebih dari 5 tahun sebagai penerjemah
Our clients include:
UI Students
Students UNJ
PT. Central Capital Futures
Cans ISI
PT Gapura Space
and much more
Translation can we serve include:
Translation Chapter / Text book
Abstract translation, thesis or thesis
Translation of the book
Translate the manuals / guide
Translation of a letter of agreement
Marriage Certificate Translation
Translation Sale Deed
Translation Establishment Deed
Translate Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Cooperation Contract
Translation Rent Agreement
Translation Rule, Decree of the Minister of, Law
Court Document Translation
Translation Company Regulations
Translate Annual Report
Translation of Mass Media Articles
Speech Translation
Translation of State Documents
Translation Correspondence / email
Translation Diploma and / or Transcript
Translation of promotional materials (ad, brochure, catalog, profile)
Examples of the results of our translation could be opened in the courtyard translation examples Translation Rates (compare with the other) 1. Abstract (Indonesian to English) Rp 40.000 / page. Kilat 50-75rb (1anniversary)
2. Translation journal (English to Indonesian) from USD 15.000 / results page
3. Translation of the book (publisher) from USD 15.000 / page (time 1 month)
Translation services price per page is calculated based on the translation page so, paper size A4 format, margin above 4 cm, left margin 4 cm, lower margin 3 cm, and right margins 3 cm. Huruf Courier New 12. Spasi double.
The length of time depends on the extent of the material translated. Before order please contact us.
translation 5-10 page takes between 2-3 day. Lightning 1 anniversary
Translation > 10 page takes time 1 week (negotiable)
Examples of the results of our translation could be opened in the courtyard translation examples
Why we chose based in Jogja & how the standard of our translation rates? Read the info here
Selain Profesional dalam melayani Jasa Terjemahan Umum, kami Quantum Group juga melayani :
Jasa Terjemahan Tersumpah / Sworn Translator untuk dokumen seperti ijazah, SKCK, raport, surat nikah, surat cerai, keputusan pengadilan, surat perjanjian, surat kontrak
Jasa Interpreter / Jasa Penerjemah Lisan baik konsekutif maupun simultan
Rental / Persewaan Alat Interpreter baik sistem wireless maupun sistem kabel lengkap untuk berbagai acara yang melibatkan tamu asing. Sewa alat interpreter kami layani baik di kota Jogja maupun keluar kota seperti semarang, only, surabaya, poor, bandung, bogor, jakarta, bali, denpasar, lombok, the base of the nut, macassar, while
Sworn Arabic Translator
Arabic Sworn Translation Service. Professional document translation. Supported by a trusted translator
Translators Jogja
The official translation bureau of sworn and rental of professional simultaneous wireless interpreter tools in the city of Jogja – Yogyakarta
Penerjemah Profesional Jogja
Jasa Penerjemah Jogja Bahasa Indonesia Inggris Arab Mandarin Jepang Jerman Perancis