Translation services / Translate in London

pelanggan terjemahan di Bandung

Customer Translate in London

Lots of our customers who order from outside the city of Yogyakarta translation. One is from the city of Bandung .

Customers translation located in the city of Bandung mostly of academics both students and lecturers, from ITB, Univ. Padjadjaran / Unpad, STSI Bandung, Manufacturing Polytechnic Bandung, Bandung State Polytechnic, Garuda Nusantara London Polytechnic, Bandung Institute of Science Technology, National Institute of Technology, Polytechnic Garuda Nusantara, Universitas Islam Nusantara (Uninus) and other.

Order translation that we receive often in the form of abstract, research journals, book, ebook, user manual products, dan naskah publikasi.

Customers translate from Bandung are satisfied with the services we recommend to our friends college so service is increasingly recognized in the city

To get professional translation services in fairly easy

  1. Submit manuscripts to translate via email to
    Manuscript hardcopy form can be photographed using a digital camera or scanned
  2. We will calculate the estimated cost of translation
  3. Customers make transfer payments as agreed DP

Team of Translators mengucapkan terimakasih atas kepercayaan pelanggan di kota Bandung selama ini dan seluruh tim penerjemah kami akan selalu berkomitmen untuk memberikan layanan terbaik bagi setiap pelanggan terjemahan yang berada di kota Bandung
Karang Malang A10ab
Jogjakarta 55281
Telp/Fax: 0274-564519
Tel 0818-200-450 (XL)
Tel 0812-150-78-666 (Simpati)

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