Our Location

Office: Quantum Group (JogjaTranslate)
Karang Malang Blok C-3 Yogyakarta (50mtr utara Kopma UNY atau dari FE UNY ke barat 50mtr)
Direction: From Gejayan – Circle K north or south Pharmacies K-24 (50mtr) gang met Guru, masuk lurus ke barat 400 meter. and with Papua State University from 30 meter (Jl Amarta 1) to fork. The old Quantum office is on the left side of the T-junction. Currently the Quantum office is moving north of the old office just a short distance away 30 meters only

Phone :
0818-200-450 (WA XL)
081215078666 (simpati)
0274-564519 (Tel / Fax)
email : cs@jogjatranslate.com

Plan JogjaTranslate (With Quantum)
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Gg Teachers – Gejayan

Gapura Pedukuhan Karang Malang

Fak Ekonomi UNY Jogja

Pak Economy UNY Jogja

Taman Kuliner Karang Malang

UNY LPPMP Building / Karang Malang Culinary Park