Rental Cheap Computers

With Quantum is the parent of JogjaTranslate. One of our services are computer rental / computer rental. As computer rental that has been running more than 5 year, Our experience in providing the best service to every customer. Quantum many customers who come from far away, radius 20 miles from where we, ie from bantul, sleman, godean, Kalasan, Piyungan, jackal, southern ringroad, even from wates Kulonprogo.

We provide one-stop service for all your needs (one stop service) which includes:

  1. computer rental services
  2. translation services
  3. print services and print ink color
  4. laser print services / foto copy
  5. jasa photo copy, jilid hardcover, jilid softcover, cover color or b / w
  6. text typing services, table, formula, English Idioms text / foreign, dll
  7. Data recovery services lost due to deleted, terformat, partitioned
  8. scan / destroy the virus and antivirus updates
  9. scan foto + editing foto
  10. copy cd / duplicate cd / cd doubling in the number of units or bulk (1000 pieces per day)
  11. Print ebook / ebook cover print with color as the original
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