Roswita Silalahi. 058107013. “The Impact of the Translation Techniques, Methods,
インドネシア語 ". Dissertation. A Doctorate Degree Program in Linguistics, インクルード
北スマトラ大学の大学院, 2009
この研究の目的は、 (1) に適用される変換技術を策定します
「医療・外科看護」のテキストはインドネシア語に翻訳します, (2) 記述するために
変換方法は、選択されまし​​た, (3) 採用翻訳イデオロギーを解釈します, と (4) to
翻訳技術の影響を評価, の品質上のメソッドとイデオロギー
客観的かつ感情的側面を含む翻訳産物. The sources of data for this
study consist of documents, key informants, and respondents selected with purposive
sampling technique. The documents refer to the first chapter of “Medical-Surgical
Nursing” and its translation in bahasa Indonesia. The key informants constitute one
translation expert and three medical practitioners and the respondents are five medical
students. The research data comprises of (1) words, phrases, clauses, and sentences of
“Medical-Surgical Nursing” and its translation in bahasa Indonesia, (2) the translation
expert’s statements about the accuracy level, (3) the medical practioners’ statements
about the acceptability level, と (4) the medical students’ statements about the
readability level of the translation. The research data were collected with document
analysis, questionnaires, そして、の綿密な面接やインタラクティブなデータを用いて分析
本研究の知見は、以下のことを示しています. First, 8翻訳技術
インドネシア語に「医療・外科看護」を描画するために使用されました. これらには、
リテラル, 純粋な借入, 帰化借入, 層, 転置, 変調,
削除, 加算手法. それぞれの使用頻度に基づいて、
翻訳技術, リテラルは初段であるように思われます (489) 純粋に続きます
借り入れ (224), 帰化借入 (222), 転置 (68), 層 (67),
変調 (25), 削除, (16), そしてさらに (9). Second, 理論的に言って, リテラル,
純粋な借入, 帰化借入, そして借用翻訳は、ソース言語の一方に配向されています
転置, 変調, 削除と追加は、言語をターゲットにするように配向されています. This
翻訳者がリテラルを選択する傾向があったことを意味し, 忠実な, そして、セマンティック翻訳
メソッド. Third, 翻訳技術の使用及び翻訳方法の選択
tend to be based on the adoption of the ideology of foreignization. Fourth, in terms of the
quality of the translation, it was found that 338 (64,75%) data are accurate, 136 (26,05%)
less accurate, と 48 (9,20%) inaccurate. Meanwhile, 396 data (75,86%) are acceptable,
91 (17,44%) less acceptable, と 35 (6,70%) unacceptable. It was also found that 493
data (96,29%) have a high readability level and other 19 (3,71%) have an adequate
readability level. Pure borrowing, 帰化借入, 層, and also literal
technique contribute significantly to the accuracy of the translation while the application
of transposition, 変調, 削除, and addition appears to have a negative impact on
the accuracy. It was also identified that some data were less acceptable and unacceptable
and this mostly relates to the use of ungrammatical target sentences. In addition, the use
of some foreign technical terms, inappropriate collocations, unfamiliar Indonesian lexical
items, and mistyping make some data less readable for the target readers.
Based on the research findings, the following suggestions are proposed. First, a
medical text is a sensitive text containing important information and therefore the
deletion technique should be carefully used. Second, an excessive addition of information
should also be avoided as it tends to violate messages intended by the original author.
Third, subject matter competence is an important element of translation competence but
the fundament of translation competence is language competence. Fourth, the translated
text Keperawatan Medikal Bedah needs to be revised due to grammatical mistakes and
distortions of original message. Fifth, a further study needs to carry out to get more
insights into the phenomena of medical text translation; this may be done through the use
of different approach and the involvement of not only objective and affective aspects but
also genetive aspect. Sixth, the Indonesian government needs to establish an institution
responsible for quality assurance and control of quality of translations within the areas of
science and technology in particular.

このエントリはに投稿されました 日記. ブックマーク パーマリンク.